"Empowering Womento discover their worth through my Journey"

30 Day Self-Love Challenge-Day #4 Go on a Walk

30 Day Self Love Challenge- Go on a Walk

October 6, 2024


A fabulous way to connect body mind and soul is to go outside and go for a walk. This is Day 4 of my Self-Love Challenge for you. We have to walk everywhere, so why not take time for yourself to decompress, to have a moment for yourself with God, and just unwind your mind?

Now, if you are looking for a FANTASTIC blog post about 5 added Self-Love Activities, read this post here from Linda Harvey. One of her activities is about enjoying nature, and she encourages going on a walk!


Now, where was I? Oh yes, Going on a walk can help you talk about things that are on your mind, and it can help you draw closer to your spouse, kids, and other loved ones. Talk to God, He wants to hear your questions, struggles, and triumphs. He knows what is happening, but He wants you to reach out to Him and Rely on Him for assistance. What better way, than to talk with Him while you are on a walk? What is so fantastic is you can do this in your head or out loud. I am always talking with God whether I have questions or whether I am just thanking Him for everything and everyone in my life.


It doesn’t matter what you wear on your walk as long as you take time to reconnect with yourself. I’ve received so many ideas and thoughts on how I can be a better mom, wife, daughter, photographer, podcaster, writer, friend, and neighbor. Taking time to go on walks opens and clears our minds and can give us that space to talk and reconnect with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Be You, be the creative individual that you are, and find joy in going on a walk.

Believe it or not, taking selfies of where you are, can re-connect your soul to appreciate where you are at, and what you are doing at that given time and to document your progress. As a photographer, I love taking selfies, I always learn something new about myself and love documenting the moment in how I feel at that given time!


As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we listen to General Conference twice a year; April and October. I heard many great talks today that spoke to my soul and one of them was encouraging me to meditate and be still. Meditation doesn’t have to involve a quiet room and your legs crossed, it can entail a little task such as going on a walk. This talk validated my 30-Day Self-Love Challenge and today’s task; Going on a Walk.

Life is too short to stress about what we can’t control. So why not give it to God while we go on a walk?

You make the choice, but I hope, these daily tasks help to bring out the best in you.


If you love walking and being a part of God’s beautiful creations, you can click the link here to learn how you can start investing in yourself and have your portraits taken professionally. You will walk and laugh more than you ever imagined. I never let a client down. I can’t wait to get to know you more!

Hugs to you my friend-


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